dinsdag 10 mei 2016

Back from Stockholm! With a little something extra

First you are counting down the weeks until you can go, and in the blink of an eye, you are back. That is how it is for me with things like these. We left last friday in the middle of the night, we flew at 7.00 o'clock and were in Stockholm for breakfast! Then we had 3 full days to explore the city enjoying lovely sunny and warm weather. We were very lucky to have this nice weather. Yesterday we also had half a day. late in the afternoon we had our pickup to the airport and by 8.30 PM we flew back home. A few hours later, slightly after midnight we were in our home town, unpacking and going to bed. A nice city trip, which has flown by in a blink of an eye.

Totally different than Rome last year. This city, with lot's of different city centre's has lots of things to see. But for me it is not a city with big name catchers, like Rome (Colosseum) or Paris (Eiffel tower) have. For me Stockholm has lots and lots of little beautiful things to see and vist. Except Vasa, that was huge! Seen the palace with the changing of the guards, the stadhuset (City Hall), Skansen (first outdoor museum), The vasamuseet with the only leftover ship from the 17th century, old Stockholm and so on. Really lovely, really beautiful. 

And I came back with a little something extra. It seems like I have got my period back! Yesterday, after 198 days (28 weeks, 6,5 months) I got it back. Really happy to find out that I ' am still working'. At least I think. 


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